Stefilla Mr Incredible

black silver shaded neuter

Stefilla Bonbonetti

Brettachtal's Charlotte

born: 05. 22. 2011

owner: Edina Gányási, Székesfehérvár, Hungary

3x Best of Best, 2x Best In Show, 2x 1st place in WCF-Ring

30-31th of March 2013 Show of All About Cats in Biedermannsdorf, Austria

Mr Incredible did 6 finals in 10 rings and gave Supreme-party for his fans

25th of February 2013 show of PMCE (WCF) in Jászberény, Hungary

Mr Incredible won Best of Best in traditional jugding and did 1th place in WCF-ring

9-10th of February 2013 TICA-show of Blue Danube Cat Club in Wien-Liesing, Austria

Mr Incredible had 9 finals in 12 rings and was the 3rd Best Alter on the weekend and won the SuperHero Costume Contest as Mr Incredible

25-26th of November 2012 Bourges, France

Mr Incredible won Best in Show on traditional jugding, did 5 finals in TICA and became Supreme Grand Champion Alter as Pamela Barrett's Best Alter!


17-18th of November 2012, Budapest, Hungary

Mr Incredible won Best of Best in traditional jugding on both days


Mr Incredible did 10 finals in 10 rings on TICA-show and was Best Alter on the weekend

Show of Austrian Cats United on 19-20-21st of October 2012, Hollabrunn, Austria

Mr Incredible did on his first TICA show 13 finales out 18 rings and became GRCA!

First show of Hungarocat (WCF) on 13rd of October 2012, Gödöllő, Hungary

Mr Incredible did Best of Best and 1st place in WCF-ring

Mr Incredible on his first birthday

Some pictures about Baby - Mr Incredible

Mr Incredible @ 3 weeks

Mr Incredible @ 7 weeks

Mr Incredible @ 10 weeks

Mr Incredible with his sister, Isabella Rossellini

Mr Incredible @ 4 month